2 UML Diagrams

Use case diagram

Describes the static behavior of a system from the user point of view. Identify the behavior of a system without entering in its details. Describes the functions (uses) offered by the system. It is useful for identify the system requirements. Use Case diagrams capture functional requirements for a system. They provide an implementation-independent view of what a system is supposed to do and allow the modeler to focus on user needs rather than realization details.

  • “​ use case ​” is the description of a series of action accessible for the user and that lead to an end result which is observable
  • Actor :​ initiates the use-cases and/or receives use-cases. It is an entity external to the boundaries of the system that interacts with the system assuming a specific role
  • Scenario is defined as a sequence of steps describing an interaction between a user and a system:
    • Basic scenario ​: usual path of steps
    • Alternate scenarios :represent alternative paths for the use case

Relationships among use cases

  • Inclusion :​ When you have behavior that is similar across more than one use case you can define that behavior as a use case, so you can reuse it avoiding repetition. Instead of repeating this shared activity, it become a use case that is included in the more complex ones. Similar to the sub-routine call in a programming language

  • Generalizations :​ When you have a use case similar to another but having something more; the new use case inherits the behaviors of the parent use case; the child use case is enriched by new scenarios. The «child» use case can: ○ Inherit all the attributes, the scenarios the extension points defined in the «father» use case ○ Partecipate to all the relationships in which is involved the «father» use case ○ Have new scenarios with respect to the «father» use case

  • Extension :​ Similar to the Generalization but you wish to use the more controlled form, declaring your extension points for the basic use case. It represents the optional behaviour

Activity diagram

The activity diagram describes the sequence of activities including conditional and parallel behaviours. Conditional behaviour is represented as:

  • branch (one input multiple outputs)
  • merge (multiple inputs one output)

Parallel behaviour is represented as:

  • fork (one input multiple outputs): indicates that all of the outputs are executed in parallel as follows
  • Simultaneously
  • Sequentially
  • Interleaved

  • join (multiple inputs one output): synchronizes all of the activities. The output transaction is executed only when all the states of the input transactions completed their activity.

A SWIMLANE is a way to group activities executed by the same actor (responsible). It is a way to represent responsabilities.


  • Give a logic order to the swimlanes
  • Use a maximum of 5 swimlanes
  • Use for linear processes
  • Consider the swimareas for complex systems An activity diagram is to use when is needed:
  • To analyse a use case
  • To understand a workflow
  • To describe a complex algorithm
  • To document multi-threads applications

Class diagram

Essential elements

A class diagram describes the static architecture of a system using classes (types of objects) and the various relationships existing among them. Essential Elements are:

  • CLASS: describes a set of objects that have the same attributes, methods and behaviors. It is composed by:
  • Name
  • Attributes: properties of the class. Their visibility can be pubilc, private, protected or package
  • Methods: implement “procedures” and “functions”

  • Associations: establishes a logical connection between classes. Associations are also described by cardinalities: the cardinality indicates the number of instances of a class that can be associated to single instances of the other class. It should be indicated at both the ends of the association; when it is not reported it does not mean that is equal to 1
  • Subtypes

Primary and foreign keys

The primary key is the unique identifier of a class (it is an attribute or a set of attributes). This implies that there are not two objects identified with the same value of the attribute that is chosen as PK. The PK cannot have NULL values. The foreign key is a constraint of referencial integrity. It constraints, identifies and enforces the association between classes. In a foreign key reference, a link is created between two classes when the attribute that hold the primary key value for one class is refernced by the attribute in another class. This attribute becomes a foreign key FK in the second class.

Different types of relationship

  • Generalization :​ implement the IS-A ​ relationship. It connects a specialized class (sublcass) to a general class (parent class). Subclasses inherits from superclasses methods, attributes and relationships. Subclasses can have more attributes and methods, more relationships and overloading of operators

  • Aggregation :​ is a type of association that models a relationship among an object and its parts. It models the relationship “​ Is a part of” (e.g. door is a part of the car)

  • Composition ​: is a strong type of aggregation which states that:
  • The aggregate is the only owner of its part
  • The part can belong to only one aggregate
  • The life of the part depends on the life of the aggregate

  • Dependency ​: is the lightest relationship among classes. IT models the “ Use” ​ relationship.

Physical diagrams

They document the physical aspects of a system. There are two types of physical diagrams:

1. Deployment diagram ​: it shows the static relationships among software and hardware components of a system during runtime

2. Component diagram ​: it shows the architecture and the dependency involved into the implementation of the system a. Node is a class that represent a physical element existing during runtime b. Component is a class that represent a physical paort of a system

Interaction diagrams

Interaction diagrams model the collaboration between objects while executing a specific activity. They represent the ​ dynamic behaviour of a specific use case in terms of objects and messages exchanged between objects. There are two interaction diagrams in UML: Sequence and Collaboration diagram.

Sequence diagram

It shows the interaction between objects by means of a temporal sequence of actions. Principal features are:

  • Objects
  • Temporal sequences of exchanged messages
  • There are not associations between objects
  • The different objects are placed horizontally Time is the vertical flow (life-line), the timescale is not important. It is important the temporal sequence of the events but not the absolute distance between events or the durations of events they are used to describe real-time systems.

An important part of sequence diagrams are the message exchanged between objects: Major considerations:

  • The strength of the sequence diagram is the simplicity and the immediate visual interpretation.
  • The meaning of the represented dynamics can be relative to objects of the domain (conceptual) or of the system to be realized (implementation and technical specifications).
  • The sequence diagram is very important in the project documentation because it shows the main control flow.
  • The sequence diagram can be used to represent concurrent processes There are other elements in a sequence diagrams: Frame ​: is the graphical boundary of the sequence diagram and it’s optional Combined fragment :​ is a part of the sequence diagram defined by an operator of the interaction. The operators can be:
  • Alt- alternative
  • Break
  • Opt-optional
  • Neg- deny
  • Loop- cycle

Guard ​: the guards are the conditions that define when the fragment can be executed

Collaboration diagram

Objects are represented as icons. Messages are arrows between objects. The sequence is indicated by the message enumeration. It’s different from the sequence diagram because:

  1. The emphasis is not on time, but on the ​ collaboration between objects ​.
  2. There is not a precise time dimension, the temporal sequences are described only by the enumeration of the exchanged messages

State diagrams


It is a state machine describing events, transitions and activities to model the dyamic behaviour of a system or an element. As the activity diagram they are used to describe the lifeline of an object ​.

In the activity diagram the emphasys is on the flow of the activities and the transition between two activities is dependent only on the end of the first activity. In the statechart the flow between states is represented and the transition between them is well described by the arrival of a specific event. Essential elements are:

  • State :​ specific situation in which an object is because it satisfies a specific condition or it executes a specific activity or waits for an event
  • Transition is the relationship between two state. It indicates that an object in state  1  is doing some operations and when a specific event occurs (or specific conditions are fulfilled) the object goes to the State 2
  • Event ​ is an occurrence of a stimulus that triggers a state transition. The event is an observable occurrence. There could be:
  • Interaction :​ call event (synchronous operation) or asynchronous reception of a signal
  • Time event
  • Change event Statecharts are used to represent classes and objects having a complex life cycle that includes well defined steps.