Hypertension level monitoring system
This is a group project work for the “Medical Informatics” course, which I’ve attended between April and June 2018.
Brief conclusions
Overall, the Project Team achieves its goal to build a smart, user-friendly, easy and graphically intuitive Database, composed by many forms that make it reliable and give the possibility to insert new data every time is needed, making it incremental. The Database can be used by all the three types of users, relating to their access level, that allows them to interact with the system and visualize data guarantying the respect of the privacy. In fact, health data are sensitive data and it is important to guarantee the security and the privacy; for these reasons the Database was created in order to make impossible for an Employee to visualize data of another Employee, while a Technical Administrator does not have the possibility to access to health data. Only the Specialized Practitioners can manage these types of data. After to an in-depth analysis of the requirements, was started the important phase of UML Modeling, that was useful to visualize and understand the system and the process behind, to facilitate the specification of the system, to facilitate the construction and the documentation of the system. The diagrams designed with StarUML have been the base of the system, and each one has made the team aware of specifics features: Use Case Diagram was useful to understand and visualize the requirements, the functions and the actors of the system, Activity Diagram to understand the workflow and to describe the algorithms and interactions between actors, while Class Diagram and ER Diagram have been the basis of the Database. Then, the Database was implemented by using Microsoft Access, with the help of Visual Basic. The Database have been also enriched by the possibility to send and receive alerts, messages and requests, that facilitate the interaction between actors and between actors and the system. Finally, Serena was implemented with an R Tool that make possible a better interaction with the data and will also give the possibility to manage a large amount of data in long term, thanks to all the advanced functionalities that R could offer. The Group believes that the database, as well as the Access interface, should be converted in an online accessible database using, for example, MySQL and PHP. The company could so have a dedicated website comprehending all the features included in the offline system. The website could also be translated in a mobile application for smartphone, enhancing its accessibility and consultability.
Full pdf report
More information can be found in the 33-pages long report, accessible here